In this Document
APPLIES TO:Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and laterOracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and later Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and later Oracle Database Cloud Exadata Service - Version N/A and later Oracle Database Backup Service - Version N/A and later Information in this document applies to any platform. PURPOSE
This script is intended to provide a user friendly output to diagnose the status of the database either before (or) after upgrade. The script will create a file called db_upg_diag_<sid>_<timestamp>.log. REQUIREMENTSThe script needs to be run in SQL*Plus both before the upgrade on the source database and after the upgrade on the upgraded database as SYS user. CONFIGURINGDownload and save the script as dbupgdiag.sql. The script needs no additional configuration. INSTRUCTIONSConnect as sysdba and execute the script cd <location of the script>
$ sqlplus / as sysdba sql> alter session set nls_language='American'; sql> @dbupgdiag.sql sql> exit CAUTIONThis sample code is provided for educational purposes only, and is not supported by Oracle Support. It has been tested internally, however, we do not guarantee that it will work for you. Ensure that you run it in your test environment before using.
SCRIPTDownload the script from here SAMPLE OUTPUT
SQL> @dbupgdiag.sql
Enter location for Spooled output as Parameter 1:
Enter value for 1: /tmp
*** Start of LogFile ***
Oracle Database Upgrade Diagnostic Utility 07-01-2008 12:17:30
Script output... ... *** End of LogFile ***
Upload db_upg_diag_orcl102_01-Jul-2008_1217.log from "/tmp" directory
REFERENCESNOTE:412271.1 - ORA-600 [22635] and ORA-600 [KOKEIIX1] Reported While Upgrading or Patching Databases to - How to Check or Verify if the Oracle JVM is Installed in the Database NOTE:456949.1 - Script to Check the Status or State of the JVM within the Database |