Automatic SQL Tuning Sets (ASTS) 19c RU 19.7 Onwards (Doc ID 2686869.1)

In this Document

  Task Performance and Space Utilization
  Runtime Performance
  Space Consumption
  Controlling the ASTS Task
  Viewing Task Status
  Enabling Task
  Disabling Task



Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle Database 19c RU 19.7 exposes a new database infrastructure component called the automatic SQL Tuning Set (ASTS). It is available in Enterprise Edition for all platforms and has no additional licensing requirement.

The ASTS is maintained using an automatic background task, which is enabled by default in Oracle Database 19c RU 19.7. While ASTS is common infrastructure functionality that does not have any impact on the runtime behavior of a database (other than occupying limited space in SYSAUX), some customers expressed the preference of not enabling this functionality by default in an RU. Oracle has therefore decided to disable ASTS in future RUs for this database release by default, giving customers the responsibility to enable ASTS explicitly. It is disabled by default in 19c RU 19.8.


The ASTS is a historic record of SQL execution plans and SQL statement performance metrics. It differs from the automatic workload repository (AWR) because it is not limited to statements that consume significant system resources. Over time, the ASTS will include examples of all queries seen on the system, but it does impose a limit on the collection of non-reusable statements such as ad-hoc queries or statements that use literals instead of bind variables.

ASTS is complementary to AWR and considered a similar core manageability infrastructure of the Oracle Database.

The ASTS is particularly useful for diagnosing and potentially correcting SQL performance regressions in situations where the regression is caused by a plan change. In cases like this, the better plan is unlikely to be available in AWR, but it will be available in the ASTS. This is significant because, for example, SQL plan management can be used to locate, test, and enforce better SQL execution plans contained in the ASTS. This allows SQL performance regressions to be corrected quickly and with little effort. In addition, automatic SQL plan management implements this entire workflow without manual intervention (see the Database Licensing Information User Manual for availability details).

In summary, the ASTS is a component designed to resolve SQL statement performance regressions quickly and easily. It mitigates the risks associated with database change, system configuration changes, and upgrades.


 The ASTS is self-maintaining with no requirement for it to be configured. Oracle recommends that it is enabled, but it can be disabled if preferred.

Automatic Indexing relies on the ASTS, so you must not disable the ASTS task if you are using this feature. Automatic SQL plan management uses ASTS as a source of alternative SQL execution plans, so ASTS should not be disabled if you use this feature.


Task Performance and Space Utilization

The resource utilization for normal systems is negligible and can be ignored in most cases; this is true for both space and CPU consumption. The following SQL statements provide an insight into the resources used.

Runtime Performance

You can acquire a summary of runtime performance for the ASTS task as follows:

With dur As

Select (To_Date('1','J')+Run_Duration-to_Date('1','J'))* 86400 Duration_Sec,
       (To_Date('1','J')+CPU_Used-to_Date('1','J'))* 86400 CPU_Used_Sec
From DBA_Scheduler_Job_Run_Details
Where job_name = 'ORA$_ATSK_AUTOSTS'
Select Min(Duration_Sec) ASTS_Min_Time_Sec,
       Max(Duration_Sec) ASTS_Max_Time_Sec,
       Avg(Duration_Sec) ASTS_Average_Time_Sec,
       Avg(CPU_Used_Sec) ASTS_Average_CPU_Sec
From dur; 

 The ASTS task executes periodically. The interval between each execution can be inspected as follows:

Select Task_Name,
       Interval Task_Interval_in_Seconds
From DBA_AutoTask_Schedule_Control
Where Task_Name = 'Auto STS Capture Task';

Space Consumption

The amount of space consumed by all SQL tuning sets can be queried as follows:

Select Table_Name,
Round(Sum(size_b)/1024/1024, 3) Table_Size_MB,
Round(Max(Total_Size_B)/1024/1024, 3) Total_Size_MB
From (Select Table_Name, Size_B, Sum(Size_B) Over() Total_Size_B
(Select Segment_Name as table_Name, Bytes Size_B
From DBA_Segments
Where Segment_Name Not Like '%WORKSPA%'
And Owner = 'SYS'
And (segment_Name Like 'WRI%SQLSET%'
Or Segment_Name Like 'WRH$_SQLTEXT')
Union All
Select t.Table_Name, Bytes Size_B
From DBA_Segments s,
(Select Table_Name, Segment_Name
From DBA_Lobs
And Owner = 'SYS') t
Where s.Segment_Name = t.Segment_Name))
Group By Table_Name
Order By Table_Size_MB Desc;

 The following query reports statement counts per SQL tuning set, allowing you to approximately apportion space usage to individual SQL tuning sets:

Select Decode(SQLSet_Name,'SYS_AUTO_STS','ASTS','NON-ASTS') SQLSets,
       Count(*) Count
From DBA_SQLSet_Statements
Group By Decode(SQLSet_Name,'SYS_AUTO_STS','ASTS','NON-ASTS');

Controlling the ASTS Task

ASTS is collected through Oracle’s automatic task framework: SQL statement performance metrics and execution plans are collected continuously. The task can be enabled and disabled but it Is recommended to enable ASTS to collect historical SQL plan and execution statistics.

Viewing Task Status

Select Task_Name,
From DBA_AutoTask_Schedule_Control
Where Task_Name = 'Auto STS Capture Task';
------------------------------ -------
Auto STS Capture Task FALSE

Enabling Task

Client_Name => 'Auto STS Capture Task',
Operation => NULL,
Window_name => NULL);

Disabling Task

Client_Name => 'Auto STS Capture Task',
Operation => NULL,
Window_name => NULL);