log_archive_dest_2 = LOCATION="Z:\archive_logs\"
SQL> startup mount;
ORA-16032: parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 destination string cannot be translated
ORA-09291: sksachk: invalid device specified for archive destination
OSD-04018: Unable to access the specified directory or device.
O/S-Error: (OS 123) The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
该数据库在Windows机器上作为服务运行。 您进行的任何映射(Z :)都不会被oracle进程看到。 尝试使用UNC路径。 远程服务器和安装点必须自动登录。
\\server\ archive_logs \
为了将UNC路径与服务器一起使用 log_archive_dest_2 = \\expadm\archive_logs
Cannot Recognize Remote Mapped Drive ORA-09291 (Doc ID 337413.1)
Problems Archiving to Network/share Drive on NT (Doc ID 118330.1)
ORA-16032 During Startup with LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_x Set Two Directories Deep (Doc ID 989664.1)